Bluetooth Proximity Meter

Last Update:Mar 21 2024 9:00pm

If your WHISTLE Device falls off or gets lost at home, it can be tricky to find it when it's still connected to your WiFi network. Now you can use Bluetooth to tell when your Whistle Device is nearby, and the built-in proximity meter can help you find your wayward Whistle Device (or a pet who's really good at hide and seek).

1. In the bottom menu, tap on the Pet icon

2. Open Settings by tapping on the gear icon in the top right corner

3. Scroll down to Battery & Device and tap on "Proximity Meter" 

4. The proximity meter will sync automatically and start scanning for Bluetooth 

5. Move around to increase the signal strength until you've gotten as close as possible 

6. Tap "Done" when you no longer need the proximity meter

If you're still having trouble, contact our Support team for help