Custom Safe Places
Last Update:Oct 3 2023 9:23pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 2 MIN
In this help article you will learn:
-How to customize an existing safe zone
-What we consider to be a smaller than recommended zone
Note: Safe Places are only available for Whistle Devices with GPS location tracking. These include the Whistle Switch and the Whistle Go Explore. Whistle Health devices do not include GPS services
The following examples show both Dark Mode and Light Mode settings. Your app will look like the Mode you've chosen throughout the process
Where to go to change the shape of your existing Places
1.Select the Human icon, in the bottom menu to the right

2. Tap 'Safe places'

3. Select the Place that you want to edit
4. Adjust the size of the boundaries by dragging the dots at the edges of the boundary box. When you're happy with the size, tap Next at the bottom of the screen

We also recommend switching your map view to satellite (if you haven't already) so it is easier to distinguish exactly where you want your safe zone. Tap the 'i' icon in the upper right corner of the map and this will show 3 different options for map types. 'Satellite' will optimize your map for setting a custom safe zone.
How to resize and customize your Safe Place
Each point can be moved around independently by touching and dragging so the shape's borders match up with your property lines.
What qualifies as a "small" zone?
We consider the range of 12-35 meters to be a small zone radius. Sometimes when you decrease the radius of your safe zone to be smaller than how far your Wi-Fi reaches, this can result in false breach notifications. In the event that you see an increase in false breach notifications, try making your safe place radius (or the distance from the middle of your shape to each of the 4 points) slightly larger.