How Do I Reactivate My WHISTLE™?

Last Update:Oct 18 2022 5:44pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 2 MIN

If you are returning to the WHISTLE™ family after a period of not using your device, welcome back! Here's how to reactivate your tracker:


1. Fully charge your device (the light on the Whistle device should turn green after about 2 hours)


2. Log into your Whistle account using the same email address and password that you used before


3. You will be able to assign the tracker to either an existing pet profile or create a new pet.  If you already have an active Whistle and would like to add one to your account for either a new pet or to replace it for a current pet, you will need to navigate to the Human Stuff bottom tab (bottom far right icon) and select Add a Whistle device rom the list


4. Select the Safe Place that you are currently located at and where you will be connecting to WiFi


5. You will need to have Bluetooth turned on on your phone, which is how we find your Whistle device when it is on the charger and plugged in


6. Tap on Connect to WiFi. A list of WiFi networks near you will appear once the device has finished scanning. Select your WiFi network and enter the password on the next screen. Your Whistle device will then connect to your selected WiFi network.


7. If attaching the Whistle to a new pet, you will be prompted to fill out the personal details for that pet. If the device is being used for the same pet profile, you will proceed to the subscription plan selection


8. Select your subscription plan and either confirm or update the card information as needed


9. Once the subscription is confirmed, wait for the notification that the device is fully activated, and you're ready to begin using the Whistle device again!