Whistle 2.0 for Android - FAQ
Last Update:Nov 13 2024 10:47pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 3 MIN
FAQs 💬
For app features and more information about the new Whistle 2.0 app for Android, see all of our support articles HERE
Keep reading for important answers to the most common questions
Q: How do I upgrade?
A: To get the new Whistle 2.0 app, visit the Google Play Store and search for Whistle: Smart Pet Tracker 2.0 The icon for the new app looks like this:
If you can't find the new app in the Google Play Store, make sure your Android OS is up to date and running at least Android 12+
Q: Do I have to upgrade?
A: Although upgrading isn’t required immediately, the legacy Whistle application will eventually be deprecated for Android and Flash will be the only Android app available for Whistle.
Q: Should I delete the old Whistle app once I download Whistle 2.0 for Android?
A: NO - Not yet. Whistle 2.0 doesn't have all of the features of the original app; they'll be released over the next few months. Until then, you can use both apps simultaneously. And, once you delete the legacy app, you won't be able to find it in the Play Store again. Keep both versions for now until you're certain you want to delete it!
Q: Do I need to make a new account in Whistle 2.0?
A: Nope! Sign in using the same log in credentials you've been using for Whistle already. All your historical data and settings will be there in Whistle 2.0
Q: I have an iPhone. Can I/Do I have to upgrade?
A: No, only Android users can use Whistle 2.0. iOS users will continue to use the legacy app you already have.
Q: How long will the original app be around?
A: We will only deprecate the legacy app once a majority of Android customers have switched to using Whistle 2.0, and we’re confident the new app is stable and a superior experience to the legacy app. While we don’t have a final date set at this time, we will send out advance communication before the legacy app disappears from the Google Play Store. As a side note, as long as the legacy app remains on your phone, you’ll be able to access your account. Deprecation just means it will no longer be available for new downloads in the Play Store. That means you can keep using the legacy app on your Android as long as you want, as long as you don't delete it. Once the legacy app disappears from the Play Store, you won't be able to download it again
Q: I have family or other humans added to my account to help care for my pet. Do we all have to have the same operating system? Do we need separate accounts if we don't?
A: Nope! Android users and iPhone users can all access the same account from their different phones like you always have. All you need is the right version of the app for your phone!
Q: My phone doesn’t get Android 12 - what should I do?
A: Make sure the legacy Whistle app is downloaded to your phone before it is deprecated, and ensure your settings won’t delete the app later if it’s unused for a period of time.
Q: What are the next features and when will they be available?
A: Our team is gearing up to work on the next release, and our roadmap includes the Activity Timeline, Journaling, and bug fixes. We don’t have a set release date yet, but we’re anxious to get these improvements into the new app!
Q: I don't want to stop using the Activity Timeline and Journaling features, but I still want to upgrade to Whistle 2.0
A: You can use both versions on your phone. You can use the legacy app for those features that aren't yet available on Whistle 2.0, and also use Whistle 2.0 separately for everything else. Your account will update no matter which app you're using. We know using two versions of the app might be inconvenient for now, but this way we can ensure you don't get cut off from those features until we release them in Whistle 2.0. Don't delete the legacy app until you're sure you want to fully transfer to Whistle 2.0. If you delete it, you won't be able to re-download it once we depreciate it!
Q: What about [xxx] feature?
A: We’d love to hear from you about your ideas! If there’s a feature you’re curious about, use the “Feedback” form in the app under the Profile tab and let us know what you’d like to see.
Q: How do I get in touch with customer support if I have a question not listed here?
A: For additional questions or any other help, contact our Customer Support team
☎️ 855-999-0471 Monday - Friday between 10am and 6pm EST.
📧 support@whistle.com any time