Does the WHISTLE™ Device Have Live Tracking?

Last Update:Feb 4 2022 5:23pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 2 MIN

The WHISTLE Device does not have Live, On-Demand Tracking, but it comes very close!

The Whistle device can take up to 1-6 minutes to alert you that your pet has left their Safe Place. Once they are outside of the Safe Place, you can track them every 15 seconds, which is the same tracking interval as the find my iPhone app or other GPS locator apps. You can do this by clicking the Find My Pet button. The reason it is not less than 15 seconds is to conserve battery as GPS uses your battery up quickly if in constant use (as the same applies to your cell phone). Once a tracking session is initiated, the LED on the tracker will also flash green. Please keep in mind that the first location update once a tracking session is started may still take up to 1 minute as our server communicates the request to your tracker.

How Can I Speed Up The First Initial Notification?

If you'd like to speed up the first initial notification, you can change your Location Alert Frequency interval to as short as 3 minutes. There still is a chance that you won't receive the alert until the 6 minute mark. This is as a result of when the Whistle Switch disconnects from Wi-Fi - it will try to figure out if your device is outside the Safe Place. If your pet is not entirely outside your Safe Place (it's uncertainty circle overlaps the Safe Place), then you will not receive the first notification until it checks in again in another 3 minutes (to prevent false notifications). If you'd like to change your Location Alert Frequency settings, please see the article link below. Please keep in mind it will impact battery life a little more.

**Quick Note: The "You" icon in the Whistle app location screen will move with you (live tracking) because it's your phone's GPS as opposed to an external GPS device having to grab a GPS location, and then send that information to a cell tower, then to our servers, and then to your phone.