How Do I Add or Edit My Safe Places?
Last Update:Feb 4 2022 8:17pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 2 MINYou can adjust your Safe Place or add additional Places at any time. This would include making them larger, smaller, or adding a new location altogether. Just keep in mind that setting Places with Wi-Fi networks is highly recommended, as it allows the device to communicate more effectively and saves battery power.
Safe Places are associated with a specific person's account, so if an added Family Member is the owner of a Place, only they will be able to make changes to that Place.
You can have up to 10 Safe Places on your account, and we recommend pairing each with a WiFi network if possible.
How to add a Place
- Select the Human Stuff bottom tab (far right icon), then tap Safe Places.

2. On the Places screen, tap the blue Add a Place button (may look like a blue + in the bottom corner of the screen)
3. Type a name for your new Place by tapping in the text field for Place Name.
4. You may then complete any of the following actions to setup your new Place.
- Type your address or use the compass icon to select your current location.
- Drag the green dots to adjust the boundaries and size of your Safe Place.
- Move the map to make sure your Place is in the desired location.
5. When you are done, select Next.
6. Next, you can add a Wi-Fi network for your Place.
- Wi-Fi is required for your first Place during initial setup and is highly recommended for every Place you add after that for help conserve battery.
How to edit a Place
- Select the Human Stuff bottom tab (far right icon), then tap Safe Places.
- Tap on the Place card that you would like to change.
- From here you can make the following changes:
- Edit the Place Details : Change the name or address
- Edit the Wi-Fi Details: Add a pet to a Wi-Fi network for that Place
- Remove the Place if your pet won't be visiting this location anymore