How Do I Add or Edit My Safe Places?

Last Update:Feb 4 2022 8:17pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 2 MIN

You can adjust your Safe Place or add additional Places at any time. This would include making them larger, smaller, or adding a new location altogether. Just keep in mind that setting Places with Wi-Fi networks is highly recommended, as it allows the device to communicate more effectively and saves battery power.

Safe Places are associated with a specific person's account, so if an added Family Member is the owner of a Place, only they will be able to make changes to that Place.

You can have up to 10 Safe Places on your account, and we recommend pairing each with a WiFi network if possible.

How to add a Place

  1. Select the Human Stuff bottom tab (far right icon), then tap Safe Places.

2. On the Places screen, tap the blue Add a Place button (may look like a blue + in the bottom corner of the screen) 

3. Type a name for your new Place by tapping in the text field for Place Name

4. You may then complete any of the following actions to setup your new Place.

  • Type your address or use the compass icon to select your current location.
  • Drag the green dots to adjust the boundaries and size of your Safe Place.
  • Move the map to make sure your Place is in the desired location.

5. When you are done, select Next.

6. Next, you can add a Wi-Fi network for your Place.

  • Wi-Fi is required for your first Place during initial setup and is highly recommended for every Place you add after that for help conserve battery. 

How to edit a Place

  1. Select the Human Stuff bottom tab (far right icon), then tap Safe Places.
  2. Tap on the Place card that you would like to change.
  3. From here you can make the following changes:
  • Edit the Place Details : Change the name or address
  • Edit the Wi-Fi Details: Add a pet to a Wi-Fi network for that Place 
  • Remove the Place if your pet won't be visiting this location anymore