How Do I Change My Pet's Profile Details?

Last Update:Sep 28 2023 8:03pm

You can easily change details about your pet, such as their weight, age, and time zone at any time. All these changes can be made in the app. 

The examples shown are using Dark Mode in the Whistle app. Your app may look different if it's set to Light Mode

1. Login to the WHISTLE™ app on your smartphone.


2. Open the Pet tab by tapping on the paw icon in the bottom menu. If you have more than one pet you can switch which pet's profile you view from the dropdown list at the top left of the screen.


 3. Tap on the gear icon in the top right to open the Settings screen

4. In the Settings screen, just below your pet's photo, the first field will say "Edit {your pet}'s profile
    Time zone, breed, age, etc"

Tap on that field to edit the profile information

5. On the Edit profile screen, tap the field you wish to edit