Whistle 2.0 App for Android - Activity Tab

Last Update:Dec 11 2024 6:55pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 2 MIN

The Activity tab displays the activity your pet has achieved for the current day, the timeline of all events (both active and resting), and the historical view of activity. 
You can also change their pet’s activity goal here

Calendar navigation

  • The calendar at the top will show a week at a time

  • The rings around each day represent how much activity your pet got for that day

  • You can swipe back a week at a time (up to 90 days) to view historical activity

Activity goal

  • Change the activity goal here by tapping the pencil icon

  • You’ll see a recommendation for your dog that’s based on breed and age

  • When the goal is saved, it takes effect the following day


  • There are cards for distance, calories, and rest under the activity section for the date highlighted

  • Distance is measured in the format according to the locale of the your phone (miles or kilometers)

  • Tapping on each of the cards shows an explainer with how the metric is calculated, and has a link to a support article for more information

Activity chart

  • The activity chart shows a green line that represents the minutes of activity in one hour (24 total bars)

  • The taller the bar, the more activity minutes were earned in that hour!

  • Long-press on the graph and scrub your finger in either direction to get the actual number of minutes for that hour, rather than estimating from the y-axis on the chart

Activity Timeline 

In December 2024 we updated Whistle 2.0 to add back the Activity Timeline! You can see Streaks, when a Goal is met, and (if you have a GPS device) activity maps

Use the pencil icon in the top right corner to edit or customize Activity Goals or activity type

If you have a Health device (which does not have GPS) you'll see the Activity Timeline like this

If you need more help with the Activity tab or have any other questions about Whistle 2.0 for Android or your Whistle device, please contact our Customer Support team!

☎️  855-999-0471  Monday - Friday between 10am and 6pm EST. 
📧  support@whistle.com any time