4 results for 'activity'
How Does WHISTLE ™ Estimate the Calories My Dog Has Burned?
Estimating the total number of calories that your dog burns each day can be split into: Resting calories - calories that your dog burns just by laying arou...
How Do I Change My Pet's Activity Goal?
WHISTLE ™ gives you the ability to set a goal for your pet's daily minutes of activity. This is a great way to help you and your pet spend more time b...
Why is Whistle's reported activity different than my fitness tracker?
Occasionally, you may see differences in the reported distance calculations for walks taken with your pet (and your pet's Whistle!) when compared to other f...
Whistle 2.0 App for Android - Activity Tab
The Activity tab displays the activity your pet has achieved for the current day, the timeline of all events (both active and resting), and the historical view ...