WHISTLE™ Known Technical Compatibility Issues

Last Update:May 17 2024 5:26pm • Est. Read Time:Est. Read Time: 4 MIN

Known Compatibility Issues

Android - WHISTLE™ app doesn't appear in Google Play Store. 

Users with an Android device on OS 8 or older can’t find the Whistle app in the Google Play Store. 
Unfortunately, if you have an Android device on OS 8 or older, or with a Bluetooth version that we do not support (below 4.0), you cannot use the Whistle app. Whistle requires Android 9 or above

Known Android devices: http://www.gsmarena.com/results.php3?sOSes=2&sOSversions=2500,2510,2600,2700,2710&sBluetooths=2,3,4

For Apple devices, the Whistle app requires iOS 16 or above


Trying to Activate a Replacement at a Place You Didn't Set Up WiFi at With the Original Device

Users trying to setup a new or replacement device at a place/location that was not previously setup with WiFi so it is not shown as an option to select during setup.

Please reach out to our support team to help resolve this issue.


Using The Same SSID (name) at Different Safe Places is Not Supported


   - User sets up two router SSID names with the same name

   - User sets up two safe places with these routers with the same name.

In-App Behavior: Your Pet will be assigned to the initial place that is set-up with that SSID (WiFi) name each time it sees that SSID regardless of where it is. Similar behavior can be seen if the user has a generic SSID (xfinitywifi) and is walking their dog near a house with the same SSID. This will cause the device to think it is in its Safe Place at home.


Hidden Wi-Fi Networks

If your Wi-Fi network is hidden, your Whistle device can't see it to communicate with. To keep the Whistle device communicating over Wi-Fi, you must unhide the network. 


Public DNS Assignment

Users may experience difficulty uploading/downloading data over WiFi if their router is not set to respond to local DNS queries. This is most noticeable from the user’s side by checking the firmware version of the device via the mobile app. If the version is the factory release and they successfully have WiFi set-up otherwise this could be the root cause. If the router setup is giving out google DNS to the DHCP clients. The Whistle devices do DNS query not to that was being assigned to them but to the local router and the local router by default doesn’t respond to local DNS queries as it is assigning public DNS to connected devices.


Resolution: Enable the router to respond to local DNS queries.


2.4GHz vs 5GHz network

Whistle devices will only support 2.4GHz networks. If you're attempting to set up the device on a 5GHz only network, you will not see your network on the "Connect to WiFi screen".

Behavior in-app: 

If the user's network is on 5Ghz, no SSIDs should come up.

Things to Check: (contact Internet provider if help is needed)

   - Ensure wireless router is broadcasting at 2.4GHz 

802.11n Settings

Users may experience difficulty uploading/downloading data over WiFi if their router is set to use 802.11n. Whistle devices do not support 802.11n and we have seen connection problems with devices not being able to communicate over WiFi. 

Behavior in-app: 

   - iOS app - User will be able to complete setup successfully 

   - Android app - User will be able to complete setup successfully 

Things to Check: (contact Internet provider if help is needed)

   - Check if the router set to use 802.11n data rate in their router settings

   - Check if any advanced features are being used (Whitelisting, guest networks, MAC address filter, DMZ) 

802.11x Settings

Users may experience difficulty uploading/downloading data over WiFi if their router is set to use 802.1x. THe Whistle 3 Wi-Fi module cannot support 802.1x and we have seen connection problems with devices not being able to communicate over WiFi.

Behavior in-app:

   - iOS app - User will be able to complete setup successfully but struggles to download firmware or check in over Wi-Fi

   - Android app - User will be able to complete setup successfully but struggles to download firmware or check in over Wi-Fi

Resolution: This is a limitation of hardware. The user will need to change their settings or use a different router to properly use Whistle devices.


IPv4 vs IPv6 Settings

Users may experience difficulty uploading/downloading data over WiFi if their router is set to use IPv6 instead of IPv4. Whistle devices do not support IPv6 and will not be able to communicate over WiFi. This is most noticeable from the user’s side by checking the firmware version of the device via the mobile app.

Behavior in-app: 

   - iOS app - User will be able to complete setup successfully 

   - Android app - User will be able to complete setup successfully


Things to Check: (contact Internet provider if help is needed)

   - Is the router set to use IPv4 or IPv6 in their router settings?

   - Any advanced features that you are using? (Whitelisting, guest networks, MAC address filter, DMZ) 

WPA3 security setting

Users may experience difficulty in attempting to connect to WiFi if their security type is configured for WPA3 

Behavior in-app:

   - iOS app will present a list of SSIDs, but when attempting to connect to WiFi, “Unable to connect” message will appear. 

   - Android app will not show a list of SSIDs OR will present a list of SSIDs, but when attempting to connect to WiFi, “Unable to connect” message will appear. 


Things to Check: (contact Internet provider if help is needed)

   1. What is the security type in your router settings

   2. Has there been any changes to the WiFi password/ or security type within the last few weeks? 

   3. Any advanced features that you are using? (Whitelisting, guest networks, MAC address filter, DMZ)